Edmonton Tower Chiropractic is an evidence-based clinic; that means that anything we recommend is based on literature with unequivocal evidence that shows that our approach is best for addressing each patient's particular condition.
Specifically, Dr. Niz uses the Spinal Health Assessment (SHA) program developed by Dr. James Chestnut of The Wellness Practice. The SHA includes standardized assessment protocols that evaluate the presence of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). Based on his findings, Dr. Niz will put a patient on a customized program that includes chiropractic care and specific supplements.
Our downtown oasis, located in the sleek Edmonton Tower, is the perfect place to decompress from your hectic life. In our beautiful and relaxing space, you can enjoy a complimentary espresso or sparkling water and an organic snack.
Not only will you get a great adjustment, but you'll become part of a community of like-minded individuals. These patients value their health and want to optimize it through natural means.
In addition to providing outstanding chiropractic care, we seek to deliver an exceptional experience at every visit!
Warm and caring, Dr. Niz takes the time to get to know his patients and what's brought them in. Whether you're seeking pain relief or want to maintain your health with the help of regular chiropractic care, Dr. Niz will partner with you to achieve your goals. Dr. Niz also provides patients with education on how they can stay well now and into the future.
Meet the Doctor »We look forward to evaluating your needs and providing excellent care that gets you the results you want.
Same-day appointments are available and direct billing is accepted. Contact us today!
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